
Thursday, 6 August 2015

We are learning about past and present New Zealand Champions


  1. Your champion mahi looks good Room 9. I like the idea of having a Special School Champion display. Room 3 are going to steal this idea. Thank you Keri x

  2. Kia roa room 9.
    My name is Jordan. I really like looking at your goals because you have some fantastic goals to do when you are older. I like to read what you have to do to become a champion. Your thoughts are wonderful because they really stand out to me and i wish you all the best on becoming a champion. How do you think that you a going to achieve your goals?

  3. Hello room 9 it's me Angelina and i would like to say you guy's have done a good job posting your learning and telling us about the museum trip i hoped you's liked it and enjoyed it. :)

  4. Keep you good work up room 9 hope you are going good with your past and present champions wow done.

  5. Keep you good work up room 9 hope you are going good with your past and present champions wow done.

  6. Kia ora room 9 I like what you are doing for your champion and talking about the past about sir Edmund hillary.
